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Nonprofit Releases Report On Hispanic Parents

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BOISE — Idaho nonprofit organization Bluum released a new report Wednesday with insights from Hispanic parents in southern and eastern Idaho about their children’s education.
Hispanic Parents Speak Out” compiles the experience of some of Idaho’s Hispanic families as they talk about priorities for their children, schools, and hopes and concerns around educational options, the nonprofit said in a statement.
Hispanic students are among Idaho’s fastest growing demographic groups, making up 17.7 percent of students enrolled in public kindergarten through 12th grade schools.
The demographic group is expected to grow another 11.7 percent by 2019.
Insights from 55 Hispanic parents were compiled during focus groups.
The organization issued recommendations for school outreach strategies to Hispanic families, including featuring academically-focused after-school programs, taking pride in preparing students for college, considering that demographics of a school are important for families, relying more on personal face-to-face advocacy rather than online media, reaching out to Hispanic parents in their homes, churches and workplaces, and offering a school application process that’s simple and inviting.
Hispanic Parents Speak Out” is a continuation of Bluum’s work to build parental awareness of school options and opportunities, the nonprofit said in its statement.

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